Directions to Inn By The River

The Forks, Maine

Inn By The River

(45.32941991125031, -69.96839177794755)

2265 U.S. 201, West Forks, ME 04985


Do to our remote location most cell providers do not have signal the entire trip here. We strongly recommend preparing a backup of these directions to follow in the event you do not have signal

I-95 Maine to the Forks

  • Take Interstate 95 to Exit 133 (Formerly Exit 36) (Skowhegan/Fairfield).
  • Continue north on Rt. 201 (57.5 miles) through Skowhegan, Solon and Bingham.
  • Approximately 20 miles after leaving the town of Bingham watch for the flashing Moose sign.
  • You are about 4 miles from “Inn By The River”

Canadian Maritimes to the Forks

  • HWY-4
  • Entering Maine
  • Road name changes to SR-6 [Water St]
  • Turn LEFT (South) onto SR-6
  • Turn LEFT (South) onto US-2 [Main St]
  • Bear RIGHT (West) onto SR-155 [SR-6]
  • Bear RIGHT (West) onto SR-116 [SR-155]
  • Turn LEFT (West) onto SR-155 [SR-6]
  • Take Ramp (LEFT) onto I-95
  • At exit 39, take Ramp (RIGHT) onto SR-100 [SR-11]
  • Turn LEFT (West) onto US-2
  • Turn RIGHT (West) onto US-2 [SR-23]
  • Turn RIGHT (North) onto US-201 [Madison Ave] through Skowhegan, Solon and Bingham.
  • Approximately 20 miles after leaving the town of Bingham watch for the flashing Moose sign.
  • You are aprox 4 miles from “Inn By The River”